A.W. Perry, a relationship-driven real estate investment and services firm is pleased to announce that South Shore Cheer Academy has leased 10,000 square feet at 3 Pond Park Road and Custom Home Interiors has leased 2,400 square feet at 1 Pond Park Road in South Shore Park Hingham, MA. Rich Beal and Jon Gifford of Perry Brokerage represented A.W. Perry, Inc. in both transactions and Ken Oppenheim and Ellison Patton of Lincoln Property represented South Shore Cheer Academy. The signing of these leases brings both facilities to full occupancy.

South Shore Cheer’s new location at 3 Pond Park serves as an expansion location for East Celebrity Elite Gym, a program that provides training in the sport of cheerleading. Custom Home Interiors creates fine interior home finishes and the manufacturing nature of the building makes 1 Pond Park an ideal home for its business.

“We are pleased to accommodate South Shore Cheer’s expansion and
to welcome them and Custom Home Interiors to South Shore Park ,” said
June Cunniff Vice President and Property Manager of A.W. Perry, Inc.

South Shore Park is conveniently located at Exit 15/Derby Street off
of Route 3. For more information on leasing or development
opportunities in South Shore Park please visit:

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By -Published On: September 15, 2016-Categories: News-